Copiapoa humilis, commonly called the “scarlet ball cactus”, is a species of cacti that grows along the base of coastal desert mountains in northern Chile. It rarely rains in their natural habitat, so they absorb the majority of their water through coastal fogs. C. humilis are sometimes solitary, usually clumping from the base. The juvenile growth is usually a dark purple-red almost black, where older growth tends to be more of a tan to olive green color. Copiapoa humilis have a slightly depressed globular shape, with wool covering the apex to shield it from intense solar radiation and cold weather. They gave large yellow flowers which are very fragrant. Copiapoa humilis have very prominent tubricals with wooly areolas with radial spines. C. humilis are hardy to zone 12-10.
Sow the Copiapoa humilis seeds on the surface of a well draining potting mix. Sprinkle just enough soil over the seeds to cover them, and cover the soil with plastic wrap or a plastic bag to retain humidity. Keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet, and keep between 70°F and 80°F for best results. Once germinated, slowly uncover over several days to acclimate the seedlings to the ambient humidity. Germination typically takes 3 to 45 days to occur. Even with optimal conditions, germination may be slow and sporadic.
All packages will be shipped with basic customs information such as; HS codes, VAT numbers, and properly labeled contents. Unfortunately, The Garden of Set is unable to provide phytosanitary certificates for orders at this time. It is the buyer’s responsibility to know local laws regarding the import of plants, seeds, and plant products into their country. It is also up to the buyer to provide any other customs forms or information required to import plants into their country. If packages get stopped by customs, The Garden of Set will not be able to provide a refund for the purchase. Most of the time packages make it to their destinations just fine, this is for the small minority of packages that get stopped without having all the proper customs information required by the country of import. Purchase at your own discretion.