Russian red kale is a subspecies of Brassica oleracea and is a biennial herbaceous leafy plant belonging to the mustard/cabbage family, Brassicaceae. Russian red kale is native to northern Europe and Asia. The plant grows up to 2 to 3 feet tall. Leaves make up the majority of this plant and are slightly red with feather-like shapes growing in a rosette formation. Russian red kale is commonly grown as a food crop as the leaves are edible and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This subspecies is known to be sweeter tasting than others. The plant is resistant to cold temperature and thrives in moist well draining soil and grown in full sun to partial shade. Water regularly when soil appears dry, allowing soil to dry out between waterings. USDA plant hardiness zone 3a-11b.
Russian red kale seeds should be sown at a depth of ¼ to ½ inch and spaced 1 foot apart. Sow seeds in moist, well draining, nutrient dense soil and keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. Ideal germination temperatures range from 60°F to 85°F. Germination typically takes 1 to 2 weeks to occur. Even with optimal conditions, germination may be slow and sporadic.
All packages will be shipped with basic customs information such as; HS codes, VAT numbers, and properly labeled contents. Unfortunately, The Garden of Set is unable to provide phytosanitary certificates for orders at this time. It is the buyer’s responsibility to know local laws regarding the import of plants, seeds, and plant products into their country. It is also up to the buyer to provide any other customs forms or information required to import plants into their country. If packages get stopped by customs, The Garden of Set will not be able to provide a refund for the purchase. Most of the time packages make it to their destinations just fine, this is for the small minority of packages that get stopped without having all the proper customs information required by the country of import. Purchase at your own discretion.