Senna marilandica 30 Seeds - Maryland Wild Senna

Regular price $7.00

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Senna marilandica, commonly called the Maryland wild senna, is a flowering shrubby  perennial plant in the legume family of Fabaceae that is native to the United States. Plants can grow up to 6 feet tall at maturity and prefer moderate to wet soil types. S. marilandica is the larval host plant for many butterfly species. Medicinally, the leaves and seed pods are used as a cathartic, diuretic, and as an antiparasitic for intestinal worms. Senna marilandica have blue-green compound leaves composed of 6 to 12 leaflets. They have beautiful yellow clusters of pea-like flowers that bloom in summer. The flowers yield long dark brown drooping seed pods that can be up to 4 inches in length. Adult plants do well in full sun to partial shade, with well draining soils. USDA hardiness zones 4 through 9. 

Senna marilandica seeds require a scarification pretreatment in order to germinate reliably. Scratch through the seed coat with a nail file or sandpaper, then soak the scarified seeds in warm water for 3 or 4 hours prior to planting. This will greatly improve germination. Plant the seeds ¼ inch deep into a well draining potting soil. Keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet, and keep between 70°F and 75°F for best results. Germination typically takes 1 to 12 weeks to occur. Even with optimal conditions, germination may be slow and sporadic.



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