Hylocereus undatus 25 Seeds - Dragon Fruit (Red/White Fruit)

Regular price $7.00

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Hylocereus undatus, also known as the dragon fruit cactus, Cereus undatus, Cereus tricostatus, Hylocereus tricostatus, and pitaya, is a tropical vining cactus in the family Cactaceae. The species H. undatus is native from Southern Mexican down through much of South America they are also farmed across much of tropical Asia. H. Undatus is a vining cactus with green wavy stems that typically have three ribs. The cactus produces brightly colored fruits with a mild sweet flesh and small black seeds. The flesh color of the fruit are dependant on the variety of dragon fruit. The flowers are typically white and can be quite large in diameter. A full size plant may grow up to 30 feet high if given proper support. It is commonly grown as an ornamental plant, a food crop for their fruits. Hylocereus undatus is a popular cactus for grafting stock because of their fast growth and their resistance to root rot. USDA Hardiness Zone 10-11.

Hylocereus Undatus seeds should be spread across a sterilized cactus substrate mix. Cover the seed with a thin layer of substrate mix and mist the surface to settle down the soil and seeds. Cover with a humidity bag, dome, or plastic wrap. Place the container in a warm place with partial shade and keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. Seeds will germinate best with high temp in the day and low temp at night. Seeds should germinate within 7-20 days. Mist or bottom water when the soil is almost dry. Even with optimal conditions some seeds may be slow or sporadic in their germination. Place established plants in full sun to partial shade. Too much shade will make cacti and succulents etiolate during growth.



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